Report: "Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in the ASEAN Economic Community"
ACN worked successfully with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) on human rights training for corporates in Southeast Asia. RWI has been running similar programmes for members of the judiciary and staff of national human rights institutes (NHRIs), but this is the first time it has been extended to include corporations.
The ASEAN CSR Network unveiled its comprehensive report on financial inclusion for MSMEs, titled "Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in the ASEAN Economic Community." It was presented to the public by the CEO of ACN, Mr. Thomas Thomas, at the ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit 2017, held at the Marriot Hotel in Manila, on September 6.
ACN’s CEO Mr. Thomas Thomas participated in the ASETUC Regional Workshop to Promote ASEAN Guidelines for CSR on Labour, which was held on 4 -5 September 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.