Next Gen Forum - Contents

Prof. Dr. Aung Tun Thet, Economic Advisor to the President of Myanmar

Prof. Dr. Aung Tun Thet is currently the President's Economic Advisor and also a member of the President's National Economic and Social Advisory Council.  He is also a Member of Myanmar Investment Commission, Advisor of Union of Myanmar Federation of Commerce and Industries.  Added to that, Prof. Aung serves as a Member of Myanmar Press Council.   He holds the position of Senior Advisor of the UN Resident Coordinator's Office in Yangon, Myanmar and is a visiting Professor, to Yangon Institute of Economics; Yangon University; National Defence College.

Previously, he held various positions including Principal Officer of the UN System Staff College, Turin, Italy (2000-2008), Senior Policy Advisor of UNICEF in New York, Dhaka and Bangkok (1992-2000).   He was Director-General, Ministry of Health (1989-1992) and Faculty Member, Institute of Economics, Yangon (1966-1989).

Prof Aung has a Bachelor of Commerce (Yangon) & a Post-graduate Diploma in Management Studies (Brighton), M.Sc. Operations Research from University of Warwick and a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from University of Manchester.  Prof Aung is also a Post-doctoral Fellow from University of Marburg.

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DIALOGUE ON THE EXTRACTIVE SECTOR MODELS: Finding the Right Balance in the O&G and Mining Sectors

This Open Dialogue will be led by global energy policy expert, Daniel Dumas, and will analyse core issues, from policy to legislation, contracts and fiscal regimes, and present the pros and cons of various models with the objective of illustrating that getting the right balance between attracting investment and optimising a country's benefits is often an art rather than a perfect science.

(i)   revamping licensing/ permitting systems;
(ii)  contracting models, including PSC vs hybrid vs,hybrid vs. royalty; and
(iii) trends in international taxation will be evaluated, and include global case studies from jurisdictions that have undertaken reforms with varying degrees of success.

Key factors for increasing efficiency and transparency while maintaining the integrity of the system will be discussed.

Although each section of the discussion includes a presentation on current research and case studies, the format is meant to be participatory.  All attendees, including key private and public sector leaders will be invited to provide input onoptimal solution for their particular challenges.  Chatham House Rules will apply.

Daniel Dumas is the Executive Director of the Canadian International Resources Development Institute (CIRDI).  He has been working in the energy and extractive sectors for over 25 years, holding senior positions with major international organisations and with governments over 30 countries.

For more information on the Extractive Sectory programmes contact:

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WORKSHOP ON CREATING SHARED VALUE IN THE EXTRACTIVE SECTOR: Competitive Advantage Tool-Kit: Creating Shared Value in the Extractive Sector

Partner: FSG (Harvard Professor Michael Porter's consultancy)

Although the oil and gas (O&G) and mining industries, representing ~5% of global GDP, have massive economic output, it has not always translated into improved social and environmental outcomes.  After intensive global research, FSG highlights how extractive companies can create shared value by pursuing strategic opportunities that tie business gains to the prosperity of host communities and countries, often in collaboration with government and not-for-profits. Specifically, shared value is defined as policies and activities that measurably improve socio-economic outcomes and improve core business performance through decreasing operational costs and increasing productivity.

Concretely, this can be done through,
(i)   building local markets for intermediate products;
(ii)  redefining productivity in the value chain, including capacity building for the local workforce and improved utilisation of water; and
(iii) creating an enabling local environment.

Through international and local case studies, FSG will examine how to align shared value within operations, and overcome potential obstacles, e.g. measuring the financial impact, aligning with government, and removing internal barriers. The role of the private sector is being continuously challenged and redefined, and companies that view host country stakeholders as partners will have a competitive advantage.

The workshop will be facilitated by Chile Hidalgo, a Director of FSG.  Chile Hidalgo has spent the last year researching the role of shared value in the extractive sectors and is co-autohor of the FSG report on shared value in extractives, Extracting with Purpose.

For more information on the Extractive Sector programmes contact:

To download the copy of agenda in PDF click here.

Chris Bendl, CEO & President Director, Manulife Indonesia

Chris Bendl is the Chief Executive Officer and president Director of Manulife Indonesia, a position he has held since October 2012.  He is also a member of the Asian Executive Management Team and is responsible for the overall development of Manulife Indonesia's business including customer-centric individual protection and wealth management solutions and employee benefits.  Previously Chris was Head of Manulife's Asia Wealth Management team, based in Hong Kong.

For eight years prior to rejoining Manulife in 2010, chris held various leadership positions within the international life insurance compnies in AIG in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Chris had worked for Manulife financial and its related companies for nearly ten years, whre he held senior positions in the investments, pension and insurance subsidiaries in Canada, Indonesia and the Philippines.  He has a diverse and successful track record in the development of alternative distribution channels and partnerships, product development and business transformation initiatives in many operating jurisdictions and under many different business conditions. 

To download Profile of Speakers in PDF click here.

Adnan Pandu Praja, Commissioner, Corruption Eradication Committee (KPK)

Adnan Pandu Praja has been a Commissioner of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) since 2011.  Prior to this, from 2006, he was a Commissioner of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas).

He has worked as a member of the Working Group for Law Enforcement and Judicial Reform of the Presidential Advisory Council.  In addition, he was expert editor of the Police Studies Journal, Deputy General Secretary of the Capital Market Legal Consultants Association (HKHPM), and founder and Partner at Warens & Partners Law Office.

Adnan has a law degree from University of Indonesia, and Master of Laws from the University of Technology in Sydney. 

To download Profile of Speakers in PDF click here.

Gerard Forlin QC, Cornerstone Barristers in London, Maxwell Chambers in Singapore, Denman Chambers in Sydney

Gerard Forlin QC of Cornerstone Barristers in London, Denman Chambers in Sydney and Maxwell Chambers in Singapore was educated at Trinity Hall, Cambridge and LSE.  He specialises in Corporate and Gross negligence Manslaughter, Product Liability, Health and Safety, Aviation, Inquests and Public Inquiries, Catastrophic/ Mass Tort Litigation and other regulatory fields including corruption and bribery.  He has lectured, practised and consulted in more than 50 countries and admitted to practice in various jurisdictions.

Gerard has acted in over 250 fatality cases and 150 inquests in the UK and abroad, appearing in many of the pivotal cases in the last 15 years.  He has been described by Chambers & Partners as ‘Mr Manslaughter’.  He is also Vice Chair of the Health and Safety Lawyers’ Association in the UK and is one of 14 members on the Worldwide Legal Mediation and Arbitration Panel of the Royal Aeronautical Society.

He is General Editor of the 3red edition of ‘Corporate Liability: Work related deaths and criminal prosecutions’, published by Bloomsbury and has authored over 100 articles on a number of topics. Gerard has chaired or lectured over 750 occasions in many countries.

To download Profile of Speakers in PDF click here.

Rafendi Djamin, Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN Inter Governmental Commission on Human Rights

Rafendi has advocated for human rights, democracy and humanitarian issues in Indonesia, lobbying inter-governmental bodies and the UN human rights mechanisms for more than twenty years.

He is the Executive Director of the Human Rights Working Group (HRWG).  Based in Jakarta, HRWG is a coalition of more than forty national and local Indonesian NGOs representing a variety of issues including women’s rights, urban poor, trade advocacy and development.

Rafendi is also the former convener of the Solidarity for Asian People’s Advocacy Task Force on ASEAN and Human Rights, a platform of more than 60 NGOs from ASEAN countries.

In October 2009, Rafendi was appointed as the Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN’s Inter Governmental Commission on Human Right (AICHR) and has been re-elected to serve for the second time for the period 2013 to 2015.

Rafendi holds a Masters Degree in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands.

To download Profile of Speakers in PDF click here



Thomas Thomas, CEO, ASEAN CSR Network

Thomas Thomas is the CEO of the ASEAN CSR Network, a network of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) networks in ASEAN.

He is also an Honorary Professor of CSR with the Nottingham University Business School, UK; member of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific’s Business Advisory Council; and the lead of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights study team on CSR and Human Rights in ASEAN.

Thomas was the founding Executive Director of the Singapore Compact for CSR, the national CSR society in Singapore and had co-chaired the National Tripartite Initiative for CSR that formed Singapore Compact.  He was the Singapore focal point for UN Global Compact. He was also involved in developing as an Expert and the Chair’s Advisory Group (CAG) for the ISO26000 international guidance standard on social responsibility.

Thomas had been active with trade unions, co-operatives, the consumer movement and social enterprises.  He was also a Nominated Member of Parliament in Singapore. He is a Chevening Scholar and holds a Master of Arts degree in Industrial Relations from University of Warwick.

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