AICHR Interregional Dialogue: Sharing Good Practices on Business and Human Rights


4-6 June 2018
United Nations Conference Centre Bangkok, UNESCAP

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The dialogue programme will be conducted on behalf of the AICHR by the Representative of Thailand to the AICHR, in partnership with the United Nations Development Program, the Rights and Liberties Protection Department of the Ministry of Justice of Thailand, and the ASEAN CSR Network with support from the E-READI Programme of the European Union.

This Interregional Dialogue marks the first occasion that the AICHR, the overarching human rights mechanism of ASEAN, convenes a meeting of key regional human rights mechanisms from around the world, the national human rights institutions from the Asia-Pacific region, business participants as well as representatives of civil society organisations. The objective is to exchange views and good practices on how the regional mechanisms, NHRIs and other stakeholders have played a role in helping mainstream the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the way in which these stakeholders can cooperate and collaborate further to enhance the effectiveness of the implementation of the UNGP both at the regional and national levels. The members of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, including the Chair and Vice Chair, will honour us with their presence. The Prime Minister of Thailand is also invited to open the event.