Regional Workshop on Business & Human Rights - Session 7
Session 7: Realising the UNGPs through the ASEAN Regional Strategy on CSR and Human Rights
Key recommendations for the Regional Strategy document that was presented:
- Reflect the Ruggie principles for all stakeholders including the states, incorporated with Human Rights due diligence.
With the support of CSO to work with ASEAN MPs to establish FTAs will have major impacts of human rights. Since CSR is a voluntary mechanism they can use the tools to see which companies are using human rights to work in useful way. Recommended that states have human rights impact assessments in place, work actively for implementation and consult with other stakeholders.
Recommended to implement UPR as a model to establish NAPs that are attractive to and coherent with businesses.
Recommend to add convention on environment and human rights (Aarhus) with respect to section 9 of the document.
Recommend greater observation on the usage of the term CSR
Recommend more clarification the roles and responsibilities of the state
Include Human Rights Due Diligence
Proposed to use language that complements the language used in the UNGPs.