Recommendations of the Regional Multi-stakeholder Forum: Responsible Business Conduct for Safe Labour Migration in ASEAN


The Regional Multi-Stakeholder Forum: Responsible Business Conduct for Safe Labour Migration in ASEAN was convened on 19-20 September 2018 in Pasay City, Manila, the Philippines.The Regional Multi-Stakeholder Forum: Responsible Business Conduct for Safe Labour Migration in ASEAN was convened on 19-20 September 2018 in Pasay City, Manila, the Philippines.

ACN calls on businesses to respect and support children's rights

Little children are always lovely.  They are adorable.  They tell the truth, sometimes painfully and can get away with things we adults will never be forgiven.  Our hearts bled for them.  The concept of child rights is not new.  Yet the exploitation of children has continued to this day.  Why is this so?  What can we do about it?  Just because there had been shortcomings, we should not be weary in continuing to work for children.

ISEAS Perspectives: Trade Facilitation Synergies between WTO and ASEAN Initiatives

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This article discusses the following:

1) Simplifying and streamlining trade processes reduces trade costs and increases the potential for trade especially in developing countries.

2) The WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement and ASEAN’s trade facilitation measures both seek to improve trade processes among member states. While the TFA focuses on customs processes, ASEAN’s measures are broader in coverage.

3) The ASEAN Trade Repository, ASEAN Single Window and ASEAN Customs Transit System will benefit from a commitment by ASEAN member states to implement similar measures in the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.  ASEAN member states can utilize the assistance and support of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in the implementation of their ASEAN commitments.

To read the full article on the ISEAS website, click here.

ASEAN Guidelines for CSR on Labour

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ACN played a significant role in the drafting of the ASEAN Guidelines for CSR on Labour, adopted by ASEAN Labour Ministers in 2016 to serve as a guide for governments, businesses, employers and workers organisations on adequate labour standards. ACN is working with its partners, including ASEAN bodies, governments, businesses and other stakeholders, to see its adoption and implementation across the region.

Click here to view the ASEAN Guidelines for CSR on Labour.

ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy

ilo logo Commitment by ILO member states focusing on multinational enterprises in the areas of employment, training, work conditions and industrial relations. Details can be found here

ILO's various conventions

The 8 fundamental ILO conventions are related to:

  1. Freedom of Association
  2. Collective Bargaining
  3. Forced Labour 1
  4. Forced Labour 2
  5. Minimum Age
  6. Child Labour
  7. Equal Remuneration
  8. Discrimination

These conventions have varying levels of ratification by member states.

For more information, click this link.

An Introduction to Linkages between UN Global Compact Principles and ISO 260000 Core Subjects

The release of “ISO 26000: Guidance standard on social responsibility”gives a boost to ongoing efforts by the UN Global Compact to establish widespread common understanding of corporate responsibility principles. ISO 26000 and the UN Global Compact are connected by a fundamental belief that organizations should behave in a socially responsible way. This short publication provides a high-level overview of the key linkages between the UN Global Compact's Ten Principles and the core subjects of social responsibility defined by ISO 26000 (human rights, labour practices, the environment,fair operating practices, consumer issues, community involvement). To download the full publication, please either click on the left image or click here.

ILO Survey of ASEAN employers on skills and competitiveness

The integration of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), scheduled for 2015, raises many questions about potential challenges and impacts faced by enterprises operating in this geographic territory. This survey report aims to capture perceptions of ASEAN employers with respect to the perceived challenges and concerns of enterprises across the regional labour market, and to assess the human resource needs of businesses as well as their awareness of and preparedness for AEC 2015.

To download this file, click HERE

ILO World Report on Child Labour 2015

The second volume of the ILO World Report on Child Labour series highlights the close linkages between child labour and good youth employment outcomes, and the consequent need for common policy approaches to addressing challenges arising in countries where both child labour and youth unemployment prevail.

To download this file, click HERE

ILO World Employment and Social Outlook 2015

The World Employment and Social Outlook is the ILO’s new flagship report on world of work issues. Exploring the inter-connected nature of macroeconomic policies on the one hand, and employment and social outcomes on the other, it analyses which policy combinations are most effective in delivering high employment and balanced incomes. The publication also provides readers with the most up-to-date global as well as regional labour market and social indicators.

To download this file, click HERE