- Academia
- Business leaders
- CSR sustainability managers team members
- International regional development experts
- Policymakers regulators
- NGOs and civil society leaders
Indonesia, Edisi Harian (23 July 2016) -- Kesadaran korporasi di Indonesia dalam aspek lingkungan menjadi yang paling rendah dibandingkan dengan empat negara Asean lainnya dalam survei terbaru prinsip keberlanjutan.
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Singapore, The Straits Times (21 July 2016) -- Only 71% had done reports, study shows; but this will change with new SGX requirements.
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Singapore, Lianhe Zaobao (21 July 2016) -- 新加坡公司在可持续报告的监管方面,落后于亚细安其他国家。
Read moreThe Conference on Corporate Governance and Responsibility: Theory Meets Practice is designed to provide a platform for stakeholders engaged in teaching, researching and implementing corporate governance and responsibility to participate in high-level lectures, consultations, and sharing of practices and experiences, including site visits and executive meetings.
This is the first time, at a high-level forum, we are bringing together academia with other stakeholders such as CSR practitioners, international and regional civil society bodies and government officials, juxtaposing theoretical framework and practical realities on the ground.
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