ASEAN Responsible & Inclusive Business Forum 2020

ASEAN Responsible & Inclusive Business Forum (RIBF) If the pandemic has made anything clear, it is the need for organizations to invest in smart digitization to emerge stronger in the new world paradigm, as the world rethinks new ways to go about our daily lives.
The mantra of ‘Business Transformation’ has centered on essential productivity enhancements such as adopting innovation to be competitively “easier, faster, cheaper” is good, but not enough. As rapidly evolving digital technologies are massively disrupting industries, it is not enough for organizations to merely squeeze out greater returns, but to fundamentally transform their DNA.
The ASEAN Responsible & Inclusive Business Forum will explore how going “All-in for Digital Transformation” can be a powerful weapon to propel your organization to emerge stronger & thrive in the new norm!
Join us to explore this exciting theme with our esteemed thought leaders!
10th Dec 2020 (Thu) | 9:00AM to 5:15PM | Conducted Virtually via Hopin