Keidanren’s Council for Better Corporate Citizenship visits Indonesia Business Links in Jakarta
The Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) has a Council for Better Corporate Citizenship (CBCC) overseeing their CSR work. The CBCC recently undertook a study visit to Jakarta and Singapore from 23 to 27 November 2015.
In Jakarta, the Japanese delegation met up with ASEAN CSR Network’s participating organisation, Indonesia Business Links (IBL). Ms. Yanti Triwadiantini, Chair of IBL and Mr. Heru Prasetyo, Chairman of the Board of Patrons (Founder) of IBL gave a short presentation to the delegates.
The Japanese delegation comprised members from corporations such as Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance, Omron Corporation, Ajinomoto Co Inc., Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC, Teijin Ltd, Teijin Frontier Co. Ltd, ANA Holdings Inc, Sony Corporation, and Asahi Glass Co. Ltd.4th from left: Mr. Heru Prasetyo, Chairman Board of Patrons (Founder) of IBL; 5th from left: Mr. Shiro Kambe, Chairman of CBCC; 6th from left: Ms. Yanti Triwadiantini, Chair of ASEAN CSR Network and Executive Director of IBL
The Japanese delegation also gave a presentation and elaborated on the main CSR concerns in Japan, which included topics such as the environment, human rights, diversity, supply chain, the reconstruction of East Japan after the earthquake, inclusive business models, Creating Shared Value, Sustainable Ddevelopment Goals, and engagement with investors.
For the Japanese delegation's visit to Singapore, please click here for more news.