The People's Aid Coordination Committee of Vietnam visits ASEAN CSR NetworkCSR

On 12th November, 2015, the People's Aid Coordination Committee, Vietnam (PACCOM) visited ASEAN CSR Network and the Global Compact Network Singapore. This was part of a study visit sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

During their visit, they wanted to find out more about the overview of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Singapore vis-a-vis CSR in other ASEAN member states.

PACCOM visit

Other areas of discussion included the possibility of having a common regional mechanisms or policies to promote CSR and what different stakeholders can do to make this happen. In addition, the PACCOM delegates wanted to find out more about the important driving factors pushing CSR adoption in ASEAN countries and the key challenges for businesses in implementing CSR and how to overcome these obstacles.

After their visit to ACN, they also took in an eco-tour of Siloso Beach Resort on Sentosa.