ACN launches two studies on Sustainability Reporting

ASEAN CSR Network (ACN), together with the Centre for Governance, Institutions and Organisations (CGIO), National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School, launched two joint studies through a forum, Sustainability Reporting in ASEAN and Singapore: Opportunities in an Era of Tension, which was held on 22 November 2018 in Singapore.
The forum kicked of with ACN CEO, Mr Thomas Thomas, delivering a welcome remark.
Some notable speakers in the forum include Mr Tan Boon Gin, CEO of Singapore Exchange Regulation, Dr Somporn Kamolsiripichaiporn, Director of Research Affairs in Chulalongkorn University, Mr Kohki Sakata, Partner of Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. and CEO of Industrial Growth Platform Pte Ltd, and Mr Evan Law, Chief Executive of Singapore Accountancy Commission.
The presentation of findings from both studies were presented by Prof Lawrence Loh, Director of CGIO.
The first study, Sustainability Reporting in Singapore, found that recent changes to Singapore Exchange (SGX) reporting requirements and increasing stakeholder awareness have brought about a new focus on sustainability disclosures. This study seeks to understand how these changes have impacted the companies in Singapore. Five key insights around the uptake and maturity of sustainability disclosures have been identified. In addition, the study found a 3% increase in percentage points in the level of disclosure since 2016, with 61.5% of companies adopting recognised frameworks.
The second study, Sustainability Reporting in ASEAN Countries, was conducted to understand the sustainability reporting practices among the five ASEAN countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. During the period under review, unprecedented developments in some countries, suggesting a turning point in current sustainability reporting landscape, was witnessed. The study finds an overall disclosure rate of 59.2% for all five ASEAN countries, with Malaysia taking the lead.
Download Sustainability Reporting in Singapore here.
Download Sustainability Reporting in ASEAN Countries here.