Thailand's Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption joins Regional Working Group on Business Integrity in ASEAN
Bangkok, Thailand, 11 November - The Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption of Thailand joined the Regional Working Group on Business Integrity in ASEAN as its seventh member earlier today following the official signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU). The MOU was signed between the Coalition and the Regional Working Group on Business Integrity in ASEAN. Representing the Coalition was the President and CEO of the Thai Institute of Directors, Dr. Bandid Nijathaworn. Mr. Thomas Thomas, CEO of the ASEAN CSR Network, represented the Regional Working Group.
- ASEAN CSR Network (ACN)
- Integrity Initiative (Philippines)
- Indonesia Business Links
- International Chamber of Commerce - Malaysia
- Singapore Compact for CSR
- Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption in Thailand
The formation was announced at the 4th Integrity Summit on 19 September 2014 in Manila, Philippines.
This initiative is part of the "Enabling Business Networks in ASEAN to Combat Corruption" project implemented by the ACN with the support of the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK FCO).
As a regional association of business chambers and CSR organisations, the role of the ACN is to help strengthen local stakeholders and support their work in corporate social responsibility (CSR) advocacy, capacity-building and collective action.
The ACN now has representation in seven of the 10 ASEAN Member States and is continuously expanding its network of partners. Business integrity and anti-corruption form one of the key pillars of the work of the ACN to realise a sustainable, equitable and inclusive ASEAN with the support of the UK FCO.
The role of the Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption of Thailand is to create awareness in Thailand's private sector on corruption risk and the need to resist and fight corruption through the implementation of policies and effective mechanisms. The Coalition is supported by several leading private sector organisations, including the Thai Listed Companies Association, the Thai Bankers' Association, the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organisations, the Federation of Thai Industries, and the Tourism Council of Thailand. More information on the Coalition is available at
The signing ceremony took place at the sidelines of the CSR Thailand Conference 2014. Themed "Sustainability Development Journey in ASEAN", the Conference organised by the CSR Club of Thai Listed Companies Association aims to encourage the private sector in Thailand to integrate sustainability into their business strategy. Success in fighting corruption is identified as a key factor to achieve sustainability. The ACN has supported the Conference since 2011.
If you need more details, please contact the ACN at