UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 focuses on gender equality and women empowerment. To find out more about the targets for SDG Goal 5, ASEAN CSR Network created an infographic to illustrate the targets.
UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 focuses on gender equality and women empowerment. To find out more about the targets for SDG Goal 5, ASEAN CSR Network created an infographic to illustrate the targets.
Under A.2.3 of the ASEAN Political-Security Blueprint, the key elements focus on instilling the culture of integrity and anti-corruption and mainstreaming the principles into the policies and practices of the ASEAN Community. The infographic highlights key points under Point A.2.3 of the ASEAN Political-Security Blueprint.
Under the ASEAN Community Blueprint 2025, the practice of CSR is featured in all three Community Blueprints – Political-Security, Economic and Socio-Cultural – as a tool to achieve broader ASEAN Goals. This infographic highlights some key elements under Point A2.2 under the Political-Security Blueprint on instilling the appropriate culture into the policies and practices of the ASEAN Community.
In our concept note, we explained that the private sector can play a key role in some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. One of them is Goal 2 – food security and sustainable agriculture. In this infographic, we spell out what the targets are for SDG Goal 2 are.