Florian Beranek

Lead Expert on Societal Responsibility, UNIDO


Mr. Florian Beranek, 50, Austrian, is UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) Lead Expert on Societal Responsibility (SR) and was leading the UNIDO CSR Switch Asia project “Adapt – Adopt – Improve CSR in Vietnamese SMEs” funded by the European Union from 2009 to 2013. Since then he is based in Hanoi and assigned to several UNIDO SR activities in Asia as the Global Compact Network and e.g. the integration of ISO26000 for the Chinese Construction Industry.


Before his assignment to Vietnam he worked as a senior CSR Consultant for international companies and organizations mainly in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and India as a senior partner of The CSR Company Ltd., Austria, based on an overall background in business administration.


He is specialized in ISO26000, stakeholder analysis, SR communication and reporting, supply chain compliance and integrated SR strategy development as well as increasingly in transparency/integrity programs and value cultivation systems.


As a recognized expert he was over years Member of the National CSR-Experts Group of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, UNIDO certified CSR-Reap Consultant, SAI-certified SA8000 auditor and accredited CSR Expert (by the business consulting chapter of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce). In 2008 and 2009 Mr. Beranek was one of the two lead-lectors on CSR-Management (post graduate) at University of Applied Science bfi, Vienna, Austria.


Under his agenda UNIDO reap26, an innovative tool for an integrative management system based on the scope of ISO26000, is developed and successfully deployed in several countries. Mr. Beranek is frequently contributing to seminars and conferences related to sustainable and responsible business in Asian countries such as China, Myanmar, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. He maintains close cooperation with the ASEAN CSR Network and its General Secretariat in Singapore.



Florian Beranek

UNIDO Lead Expert Societal Responsibility

Mobile: +84 (0)127 8167 639

e-mail: f.beranek@unido.org