Bambang Ismawan

Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Bina Swadaya Foundation, Indonesia
Founding co-Chair of ISEA, Institute for Social Entrepreneuship in Asia (ISEA)


Bambang Ismawan is the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Bina Swadaya Foundation (1967); Founder and Chairman of TRUBUS (1969) – a national agriculture monthly magazine; and active in several community organizations such as: Founder and General Secretary of GEMA PKM – Indonesian Movement for Microfinance Development; Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Agro Ekonomika Foundation; Founder and Chairman of the Indonesian Social Entrepreneurship Association (AKSI); Founder and Chairman of Association of Friends for Development of Flobamora (Flores, Sumba, Timor, Alor – NTT);  Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors for Synergy Indonesia; Chairman of Asia Solidarity Economy Council, ASEC Indonesia.


He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Economics (1961) and his Master’s degree in Agriculture Economics (1964) at Gadjah Mada University. Continuing his study in Bogor Agriculture Institute, he received a Master’s degree in Rural Sociology (1983).  In November 2009, he became a Senior Fellow at the Ashoka Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, USA. Since September 2010, he is registered as a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands.


He garnered several awards for his works - Satya Lancana Development Award (1995), granted by President of Republic of Indonesia for his service in economic development, especially in developing Indonesia cooperatives;  Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2006 award from Ernst & Young (Indonesia) and The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship (Swiss); The SANG PEMULA AWARD (The Pioneers Award) in 2008 from New Seum Indonesia Foundation for TRUBUS’ consistency in promoting development in agriculture and the people’s economy.