ASEAN CSR Fellowship kicks off with 16 Fellows from business, civil society and government sectors
Singapore - 9 January 2017 – Responsible Business Conduct and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is gaining traction in ASEAN. Sustainability Reporting (SR) has increasingly gained recognition from countries in ASEAN. It forms a core component of businesses’ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practice that discloses non-financial information about their business operations and practices. An example is Singapore whereby the number of companies to do so had raised steadily over the years and come end 2017, SR will be made mandatory through a “comply or explain” framework for Singapore Exchange (SGX) listed companies. As this gains traction, so must there be a need to groom CSR leaders to push the agenda of CSR in businesses forward. Particularly in ASEAN, which is one of the fastest growing consumer markets in the world, it is important to promote responsible businesses so that they can be held accountable and has ethical behavior towards profits while respecting social and environmental stewardship.