Jermyn Brooks

Chair of Business Advisory Board, Transparency International
Former Chair of 10th Principle Working Group, UN Global Compact


Jermyn Brooks is Chair of Transparency International’s (TI) Business Advisory Board and a member of the Board of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue.


In 2000, Jermyn joined TI as Executive Director and CFO. Jermyn became involved in TI's private sector initiatives including the anti-money laundering standards of the Wolfsberg banking group; the Business Principles for Countering Bribery and specific industry-focused initiatives. He was a founding member of the World Economic Forum’s Partnering against Corruption Initiative (PACI) and has chaired the 10th Principle Working Group of the United Nations Global Compact between 2009 and 2013. Jermyn relinquished his executive role in the TI-Secretariat and served as a member of the TI Board between 2003 and 2006 and again between 2011-2014. He continues to focus mainly on TI's key private sector initiatives.


Jermyn joined TI after a career with PricewaterhouseCoopers where he was elected worldwide Chairman of the firm in 1997. In 1998 he played a key role in negotiating the PwC merger and until his retirement in 2000, he oversaw the completion of the merger in some 150 countries around the world. Jermyn also championed the introduction of corporate social responsibility and sustainability issues into PwC‘s strategies and lectured and wrote frequently on these subjects and on the practical implications for the private sector of these challenges to traditional corporate thinking.


From 2011 until 2014 Jermyn acted as Independent Chair of the Global Network Initiative.  He has participated as chair or member of review panels of leading European and North American MNCs’ Sustainability Reports and is a frequent speaker at anti-corruption and sustainability conferences.