Thomas Thomas

Thomas Thomas is the CEO of the ASEAN CSR Network, a network of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) networks in ASEAN.


Thomas is also an Honorary Professor of CSR with the Nottingham University Business School, UK; member of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific’s Business Advisory Council; and the lead of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights study team on CSR and Human Rights in ASEAN.


Thomas was the founding Executive Director of the Singapore Compact for CSR, the national CSR society in Singapore and had co-chaired the National Tripartite Initiative for CSR that formed Singapore Compact. He was the Singapore focal point for UN Global Compact. He was also involved in developing as an Expert and the Chair’s Advisory Group (CAG) for the ISO26000 international guidance standard on social responsibility.


Thomas had been active with trade unions, co-operatives, the consumer movement and social enterprises. He was also a Nominated Member of Parliament in Singapore.